The Future of Birth 2010 conference was held in Milwaukee, WI September 30 - October 3 , 2010. this is a Twitter Map from www.connectedaction.net
You can see that this is a very interconnected group of twitterers and their followers. The big exception is @marchofdimes, who provides access to a new social network of folks who don't follow the 5 top key network nodes in this map: @robinpregnancy, @lamazeadvocates, @iceaonline, @midwifeamy, @unnecessarean. Follower count is not always the most relevant metric in determining influence in a community. Birth advocates will need to branch out to reach communities of interest.
Connections among the Twitter users who recently mentioned #futureofbirth when queried on October 6th, 2010 scaled by numbers of followers. Top between users are listed in a spreadsheet image that can be found here: www.flickr.com/photos/marc_smith/5057219226/. I will attach in separate post as Blogger isn't letting me attach two photos!!
The book, Analyzing social media networks with NodeXL: Insights from a connected world, is available from Morgan Kaufmann and from Amazon. NodeXL is available from www.codeplex.com/nodexl
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